I Don't Feel Anymore?

I Don't Feel Anymore?

I say I don’t feel things anymore,

But words still cut me to the core.

I feel so heavy, my throat gets tight, 

I clench my fists with all my might.

My legs shake, and I pinch my skin,

To stop the tears from coming in.

My voice trembles, soft and weak,

Yet I pretend I’ve nothing to speak.

I still say I don’t feel love today, 

But I care deeply in every single way. 

I give my heart, and I try so hard, 

Yet it feels like I’m always left scarred. 

And, I start to think that I’m to blame, 

For every goodbye, for every silence.

I swear I don’t feel things anymore, 

But inside, there’s a fire, it starts to roar. 

I want to shout, to let it all break free, 

But I hold it in, afraid of what I'd be.

Then, I try to keep my anger away, 

So I don’t hurt those I love each day.

And still, I say I don’t feel anymore,

But deep down, I know that I do. 

Maybe too much?

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