A Small Yet Beautiful Victory

A Small Yet Beautiful Victory

Hello! 🌻

It's been a while since I've written anything. To be honest, I didn't have anything special to share, or maybe I was tired of sharing the same old feelings of emptiness and loneliness. 

I was tired, tired of feeling that way, tired of not having the energy to do anything about it, and tired of having no idea what to write about. 

But today, something’s different. I’ve got a little victory to share—nothing huge, but it’s something that’s made me genuinely happy. So here it goes! 

I recently started a new Instagram account. 

At first, I had no expectations. Seriously, none! 

I wasn't trying to become an influencer or anything like that. I just wanted to post whatever I was feeling at the moment. 

No filters, no pretending to be someone I’m not, and definitely no worrying about what people might think! 

I just wanted to be me—vulnerable, affectionate, messy, and free from all the societal expectations and judgments that usually hold me back. 

So, I still remember the time when I was so excited and happy to get 200 views in my first newest reel. I know 200 views doesn't sound like much, hehe, but I was over the moon. 

It felt like a small victory, and I was happy that people actually took the time to watch something I created. 

At first, I didn't think anyone would care. But guess what? People did care! 

Moving to now, my latest reel just hit more than 10k views. Like, seriously? 10k? Can you believe that? Because I still can't! 

Okay, I know it might not even seem like a big deal—people go viral every day with millions of views, and here I am, celebrating my 10k. But, you know what? It really means a lot to me. 

It's not just about the numbers, it' about the fact that I was able to reach and connect with people I never thought I would. It's about breaking out of that lonely shell, even if it's just a little bit. 

So, yeah, that's my little achievement for the day, and I wanted to share it with you. Also, I’m gradually learning to appreciate these small victories because they really do add up and make a difference. 

Thank you for sticking around and reading this—I’m hoping there are more little wins to share in the future. 🌟 

Until then, take care! 😊

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