Strangers With Memories

Strangers With Memories

"We're strangers again, but this time with memories." :) 

I saw this image somewhere and it just really hit me to the core. 

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it deep. 

Like, how do we go from being so close to being complete strangers? I mean, how does that even happen? 

How do people who were once such a big part of your life can become just another face in the crowd? 

One day, you're inseparable, and the next? 

It's like the universe just hits a reset button and you're back to square one! 

It's strange to even think about all the memories you shared with someone, only for them to fade into the background as time goes on. 

I don't know if this is comforting or just sad. Maybe it’s a bit of both. 

Life moves on, I know that. People change, circumstances change. But sometimes, on days like today, it hits me harder than usual. 

And, I guess that's life though. Each person who walks in and out of our lives leaves a mark and shapes us in some way. 

So, yeah! Here we are, back to being strangers. But, strangers with a complicated history.
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