H.O.P.E—Hold On, Pain Ends


 Hello, dear reader.

I’m so glad to have you here and, I hope you are doing well. ❥

Today, I want to take you on a journey back in time, before I even thought of creating my blog. I used to have a diary.

Yes, a good old-fashioned diary where I could freely pour my heart out without any fear of being judged! It was my safe haven, my confidant, and my therapy.

I have always found myself struggling to express my emotions as well as finding it difficult to articulate my feelings.

I had so much to say, but every time I put my thoughts into words, I felt like my words were never enough to convey the intensity of my emotions.

It was just so frustrating and overwhelming. That’s when I decided to write everything down in a diary.

I still remember the time sitting in my room, in the dim light, pouring my heart out fully on those blank pages. That diary became my confidant. 

I remember naming that diary ‘H.O.P.E’, which stood for ‘Hold On, Pain Ends’.

I just wanted to remind myself that no matter how tough the situation may seem, there is always hope and pain will eventually end. 

I wrote everything in that diary, every single thing that I felt!

I would write when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was angry, when I was afraid, basically every single emotion that a human can feel!

But, most importantly, I would write when I was going through my darkest times. 

There is one particular poem (Inner Feelings) that I wrote in that diary during a difficult phase in my life.

It was the time when I was desperately looking for someone to save me from the darkness that consumed me.

Every passing second felt like a ticking bomb in my head, and I was certain that it would explode at any moment. 

Hope, There's a light at the end of the tunnel

But as days turned into months, I realized that no one could save me but myself. It was a hard truth to accept, but it was the reality that I had to face.

Looking back now, I realize that I survived that darkness, I survived that pain. And I came out of it stronger than I had ever been.

And, that’s the beauty of pain; it may break you, but it also has the power to make you stronger and more resilient.

When you’re in the midst of it, it may seem like, that pain will never end.

But, I promise you, it will!

And, along with that, I learned that no one can save you from the darkness that consumes you. They can offer support and love, but it's up to you to pull yourself out of it.

Moreover, my diary has become a part of me. It held my sufferings, my fears, my doubts and I think everything in between.

It reminds me of how far I have come and how much I have grown. 

Just like my diary, my blog has also become a safe haven. To me, creating this blog has not only been about sharing my experiences, but it has also been about self-discovery.

To anyone who is reading this and is struggling right now, I just want to remind you that you are not alone, you will get through it, just as I did. 

Hold on to hope, and remember, pain may be a part of your journey, but it doesn't define you. Hold on, because eventually, the pain ends. 

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around on my blog!

Until next time, take care, stay strong, and remember to always hold on to hope!


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