Embracing the Mystery Within

 You ever had those times when you wonder if you're just too simple or maybe just too complicated?

It's been an ongoing debate with myself lately.  Some days are a breeze, feeling totally normal. But most days? 

It's like I'm lost in the maze of my own anxieties and fears, and I can't quite figure out what actually is scaring me. Is it the past? The present? Or the future? I wish I knew. But sadly, I don’t.

In the quiet corners of my mind, I wonder who I really am. Am I the quiet type? Or do I have a loud side waiting to burst out? Do I love loving people? Or do I put myself in the front line?

It's like I'm this puzzle with missing pieces, desperately trying to figure out the whole picture. And, let me tell you, it's really frustrating and overwhelming. 

Amidst all this self-confusion and self-doubt, I've come up with one thing that I am not just one thing. I am a complex being with many layers and faces that actually make up who I am. 

I am constantly trying to find a balance between the calm and chaos within me. 

Along with that, I am also learning to enjoy simple moments when I can just be in the present and not think too much. At the same time, I've learned to accept my complicated thoughts and feelings, knowing that they're a part of me. 

And I guess, it's okay not to have all the answers, as long as I keep seeking them. It's okay not to have everything figured out.

It's okay to be a work-in-progress. Because the journey of self-discovery is a lifelong process. 

Maybe the fun is figuring it out one day at a time but until then, I'll embrace the mystery of me - simple, complicated, and everything in between.

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