The Evolution of My Blog: A Retrospective of Year One

A Year of Blogging in Review

Jan 22, 2023 - Jan 22, 2024: Well, it’s been a year already since I started my blog and I think I have learned a lot during these times.

It just feels like yesterday that  I was struggling to come up with a name for my blog, and now here I am. I still remember the day, when I was first trying to start my blog and I had no idea what I was doing or what my blog would be about.

I mean, I knew I wanted to write and share my thoughts and feelings, but the technical side of it all? Forget about it! I was clueless. But I guess we all have to start somewhere, right? And that's exactly what I did!

Then, I stumbled upon Google's blogging platform, Blogger. Its user-friendly interface and free customizable templates made it so much easier for me to start my blog.

So, my first blog post was titled Presence and to be honest, it wasn’t even a proper post. It was just a sentence I thought and felt and wrote down by turning it into a 4-5 line quote.

I was so clueless about blogging that I didn't even know how to structure a post. But I hit publish anyway, and, yes that was the beginning of my blogging journey.

It took me such a long time to come up with a name for my blog – The Mdiaries. And, I love this name.

The Mdiaries Blog

The Mdiaries holds the records of my personal growth, self-discovery, and self-understanding. It’s like my diary, but online and less pink. :p So, basically, it’s a place where I could record my journey and experiences.

Creating my own personal blog was a safe space for me to vent down things that I felt at some point in my life.

The Mdiaries is more than just a blog for me. It is a part of my identity, and I am grateful to share my thoughts and experiences with the world. It has been there through my happiest moments, my saddest moments, and everything in between.

And, let me tell you more, this blog has helped me a lot in my self-discovery process! It has helped me make clear so many emotions and feelings that I felt confused about. It's like a diary, but better because I get to share it with all of you.

So, it’s just wonderful to reminisce about these moments and experiences that have shaped me into the person that I am today. 

The Mdiaries Blog

Now, if I have to look back at my blog posts, I can see how much I've grown. Each post reflects a different phase of my life, from the highs to the lows, the wonderful moments, and the inspiring ones.

Along with that, I’ve learned about different writing styles, I’ve experimented with different themes and tried to come up with more creative content. So, starting this blog was a decision that I don't regret.

But, there were also times when I would stare at a blank screen, not being able to come up with anything worth sharing or let’s say an interesting topic to write about. And when I finally did write something, there were times when I would doubt myself and my abilities.

Inspirational Quotes

As it's said, the best ideas often come when you least expect them. So, I’ve realized that it’s okay to take breaks and come back to it when you feel more inspired.

Moreover, this blog has forced me to confront my emotions and make sense of them. I have learned so much about myself in the past year, and I owe a big part of it to my blog. It has been a journey of self-reflection, growth, and acceptance.

As someone who is not great at expressing myself verbally, having a platform to write has been a wonderful thing for me. It has helped me make sense of my own feelings and emotions, and I am grateful for that.

But more than anything, this blog has helped me understand myself better and it's just truly amazing how putting your feelings into words can bring so much clarity and understanding.

So, cheers to many more years and many more memories with The Mdiaries! See you in the next post.

Until then, keep smiling, keep reading, and keep being awesome! :)

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