"From Silence to Expression: My Journey Back to Writing"

an image of the moon

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. When I sit down to write, I never know what to feel.

It’s a very frustrating place to be in when you desperately want to express yourself in writing, but you’re at a complete loss for words.

However, I'm back here to write and share what I've been genuinely feeling after a long absence.

You know, some days I feel so happy that everything around me looks colorful, and other days—like most days, I feel so numb and lost and see worst of all.

To describe to you my situation right now, I’m in a state of mind where nothing is making sense.

I’m neither happy nor sad. I neither feel a lot of emotion nor very little. I don’t know what I feel. I have so many things to say but I still have nothing to say. 

Perhaps, I feel lost or I’m scared of taking a leap into the unknown, afraid of the outcome. I find myself constantly wavering between feeling confidently sure of the direction my life should take and being completely unsure of which steps to take.

It’s like my thoughts and feelings just can’t decide if they want to be happy or sad. It is even tougher to find motivation when I don’t even know what I’m feeling or thinking about. 

I have all these ideas and things that I want to tell myself and others, but when I try to express nothing comes out. 

Every once in a while, I find myself at a loss for what to do and I know that it is absolutely alright since I understand that I'm not alone in experiencing this feeling—we've all been there at some point in our lives.

I know that there are times when it is important to take a step back, take a deep breath and let things settle. 

So, at the moment, instead of getting caught in the dilemma of emotions, I'm devoting more time for myself; to self-care, and self-love and to get to know myself better.

And I’m sure that I’ll soon come across a realization that will make sense out of my situation, and that it may hold the answers to the questions I have right now. 

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